Emergency Response Plan:
(3) Organization and Assignment of Responsibilities

3.1 Organization

The activation of the Emergency Response Team will result in the Emergency Manager and Incident Coordinator implementing incident emergency operations as identified below. The team will establish four essential working groups, Operations, Planning, Logistics and Finance.

Executive Policy Group (EPG)

The EPG is responsible for policy-related decisions, as well as approval of resources beyond the normal authority of the Emergency Manager. The EPG consists of:

  • President
  • Provost
  • VP for Finance & Administration
  • VP for Enrollment Management

Emergency Response Team (ERT)

The ERT is made of up of a number of staff members from departments and divisions from across the university. These include:

Finance Division

  • Procurement Services
  • Information and Technology Services
  • Facilities Management Services
  • Human Resources
  • Housing Facilities

Student Affairs Division

  • Center for Campus Life
  • Center for Residence Life
  • Student Wellness
  • Dining Services
  • Housing Operations
  • Safety and Security

Academic Affairs Division

  • Provost
  • Registrar

Marketing and Communications

Other university staff members may be called upon to be a part of the ERT as technical experts or as otherwise needed.

3.2 Responsibilities

The general responsibilities for the organizations are outlined here.

Executive Policy Group

  • Set policy for the emergency response and continuity organization
  • Authorize mitigation strategy for recovery
  • Determines institutions operational status

Emergency Manager

Vice President of Student Affairs

  • Heads the Emergency Response Team and is responsible for convening the team or some portion of its members.
  • Will assess the short and long-term effects of the emergency, to determine the college response to the event.
  • Will establish a Command Post assembly area and in consultation with others may order the shutdown or evacuation of a College facility.
  • Will oversee the interface with outside organizations, and will approve all communications issued to the media.

Incident Coordinator

Director of Safety & Security

  • Will be responsible for the front-line management of the emergency including the development of incident objectives and managing all incident operations.
  • Sets priorities and defines the ICS organization for the particular response.

Public Information Officer

Director of Marketing and Communications

  • The PIO is responsible for communicating with the public, media, and/or coordinating with other agencies, as necessary, with incident related information requirements.
  • The PIO is responsible for developing and releasing information about the incident to the news media, incident personnel, and other appropriate agencies and organizations.
  • Depending on the size or complexity of the incident, a lead PIO should be assigned for each incident and may have assistants, as necessary, including supporting PIOs representing other responding agencies or jurisdictions.

Operations Officer

Director of Facilities Services

  • The Operations Section is responsible for managing tactical operations at the incident site directed toward reducing the immediate hazard, saving lives and property, establishing situation control, and restoring normal conditions.
  • The Operations Officer can expect to work alone or in concert with other internal and external personnel, organizations or agencies.
  • The types of agencies that could be included in the Operations Section include fire, law enforcement, public health, public works, and emergency services, working together as a unit or in combinations, depending on the situation.
  • Incident operations can be organized and executed in many ways. The specific method selected will depend on the type of incident, agencies involved, and objectives and strategies of the incident management effort.
  • The Operations Officer will be most directly involved in actual incident remediation. They will order actions based on the best available information as to the nature and extent of any campus disruption or threat. The Operations Officer may respond in any number of ways:
    • Single resource: Resources may be deployed on an individual basis. Electrician, plumber, or some other general manpower resource can be directed to mitigate during any event. This is typically the case in the context of the initial response to the incident. During sustained operations, situations may arise that call for the use of other single assets, vehicle, mobile equipment, etc.
    • Multiple resources: Resources may be deployed in any combination of personnel and assets (electricians, plumbers, other personnel) put together to accomplish a specific mission. Generally this group will have a designated leader and operate with common communications. Combining resources allows several key resource elements to be managed under one individual's supervision, thus aiding in span of control.
    • Multi-Organization resource: Resources may be deployed in unison with other agencies or organizations for a very specific purpose. An example may be deploying carpenters with fire services to shore up a location facing immediate challenges. Common communications and obedience to the responding team/agency leader are essential.

Planning Officer

Assistant Dean of Students and Residential Life

  • The Planning Section is responsible for collecting, evaluating, and disseminating tactical information pertaining to the incident.
  • This section maintains information and intelligence on the current and forecasted situation, and its impact on the campus population.
  • The Planning Section will consist of members with student, faculty and staff oversight.
  • These members will collect, process and organize ongoing situation information in an effort to best secure the population that they most closely represent.

Logistics Officer

Buyer/Insurance Coordinator

  • The Logistics officer secures and coordinates resources needed by the ERT, students, staff, college and other area first responders during an incident.
  • This could include ordering resources through appropriate procurement authorities from off-incident locations
  • It also provides facilities, transportation, supplies, equipment maintenance and fueling, food service, communications, and medical services for incident personnel
  • Should look to securing vendor agreements and purchasing in non- emergency periods can be more cost effective.
  • The logistics officer is key in any mitigation effort, by procuring and providing the necessary resources to bring that effort to a successful conclusion.

Finance Officer


  • The Safety Officer will develop and recommend measures to the ERT for assuring personnel health and safety and to assess and/or anticipate hazardous and unsafe situations.
  • The Safety Officer also develops the Site Safety Plan, reviews the Incident Action Plan for safety implications, and provides timely, complete, specific, and accurate assessment of hazards and required controls
  • The Safety Officer has emergency authority to stop and/or prevent unsafe acts during incident operations.


Campus Ministry Office Manager

  • The Scribe’s function is to keep all paper work related to the Incident Command Center.
  • They will keep all notes, logs and other paperwork relating to activities conducted by the ERT including staffing, meeting notes, action plans, etc.
  • It is important to document date and time information when various action decisions are made or modified by the ERT.

Emergency Response Team Handbook Revised and Updated: January 2020