My Accounts

All Fisher students, faculty, and staff have two library accounts, detailed below.

Note: If you are a student in an online, hybrid, or extension site program you will find items borrowed from Lavery Library within your interlibrary loan account. For more information, see the Interlibrary Loan Guide for students in Online, Hybrid, & Extension Programs.

  • Checkout desk and staff at Lavery Library
    Library Account

    Use your library account to view and renew checked-out items

    This account uses the same username and password as mySJF, Brightspace, and your Fisher email.

    Library Account
  • Person using a laptop on campus.
    Interlibrary Loan Account

    Use your Interlibrary Loan account to:

    • Request articles, chapters, books and more from other libraries
    • View received articles
    • Renew items

    This account uses the same username and password as mySJF, Brightspace, and your Fisher email.

    Interlibrary Loan Account