American Studies Success Stories

The value of a Fisher education is evident in personal stories of success told by students and alumni. Read what they have to say about the program and what they gained from their experience.

Andrew Cegielski ’22

Law Student at the University of Buffalo

Andrew Cegielski

Andrew Cegielski

Andrew Cegielski arrived at Fisher as a first-generation student with his sights set on becoming a teacher or a lawyer. He entered a dual degree program in legal studies and American studies to “cultivate both potential occupational pathways.” He believes the absence of a prescribed path offered advantages. He credits his success to professors and advisors, and he sees his involvement on Fisher’s Mock Trial team as pivotal to his decision to pursue law school. 

“I have a notable advantage attributed to the material I learned from the engaging professors, opportunities I had to act as an attorney, and real-life experiences I gained from my internships while at Fisher,” Cegielski explained. 

As a participant in the First-Generation Scholar Program, Cegielski also attributes his educational persistence to skills he developed while at Fisher, “The program gave me the tools to be a leader, the skills to build great relationships, and the support to navigate college!” 

The American studies and legal studies majors integrate research on critical topics related to society and justice, and Cegielski feels the interdisciplinary nature of the American studies program can strongly complement other majors. “Students considering a career connected to an American system—whether education, law, business, politics, public works, or service—have the opportunity to follow their passion while developing a well-rounded education,” he said.

Now, he wholeheartedly recommends the Fisher experience. “Ultimately, Fisher equips students with knowledge and experiences that are undeniably beneficial for graduate school and a future career.”

Patrick Doherty ’10

Chief of Staff, University of Arkansas Football Program

Patrick Doherty

Patrick Doherty

While studying at Fisher, Patrick Doherty worked as an undergraduate assistant football coach. His passion for the game and skill development during his time in this role directly influenced his career journey.

He considers the American studies program pivotal for the growth of his leadership and communication skills that have led to his success. “The interdisciplinary approach and critical thinking abilities I developed have been invaluable in my role.”

Now, serving as chief of staff for the University of Arkansas football program, Doherty still remains in touch with some of his strongest mentors from Fisher more than a decade since his graduation. “The intimate class sizes at Fisher were a standout feature, allowing me to build personal relationships with my professors.”

He describes the American studies program as “beneficial for various professional avenues.” He encourages students to take advantage of the “personalized attention from faculty and the supportive learning environment at Fisher that create an excellent foundation for success.”

Julia Detmer '20

Special Education Teacher and Literacy Specialist at Monroe One BOCES

Julia Detmer

Julia Detmer

From the time she was a child, Julia Detmer knew that her path involved becoming an educator. Fueled by her passion for social justice, Detmer considers herself a lifelong learner as a literacy teacher. “Literacy is an equity issue; literacy liberates people, and that’s why I became an educator.”

The interdisciplinary nature of the American studies major drew her to the program and Fisher in general as it allowed her to explore many topics while working toward teacher certification. “My professor allowed me the space to write about my own identity and place in America. I dove deep into my schooling experiences as well in the area of race and identity which impacts how I support my students in their journey.”

Detmer’s education at Fisher provided her with the tools she now employs regularly, and she credits her research opportunities for preparing her as an educator. “At Fisher, I participated in the summer research fellowship on the life and work of Frederick Douglass who believed literacy was a central skill for success and freedom.” Now, she works to ensure her students have the opportunity to grow in literacy.

She urges others to consider the American studies program for its interdisciplinary nature and opportunities to explore the intersectionality of topics. “The program has made me a better teacher by opening my eyes to different disciplines and experiences,” Detmer explained. “The combination of multiple disciplines helps to make me a more well-rounded educator, and I definitely would recommend this program to other students because I see how valuable my experiences in the program were in shaping the way I teach and interact with others.”