Alex Freedenberg '18 was chosen from 400 applicants to be one of 36 representatives at the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB) Hill Day event advocating for science research.
There are many ways to become involved in biology at Fisher including Biology Club, Tri Beta Honor Society, attending conferences, and more.
Join the Biology Club and enjoy a relaxed extracurricular environment where you can interact collaboratively with your peers and professors. The club holds various social events throughout the year, including an annual ice cream social and speaker panel dinner, where you have the chance to interact with professionals in your field of interest. There are also opportunities to volunteer and give back to the community.
If you are a biology major, or just have an interest in biology, Beta Beta Beta National Biological Honor Society is for you. Members participate in service and educational events on campus and in the Rochester community. Past members have won grants for research and presentation awards at regional and national Tri-Beta meetings.
As a biology major, you will join a group of students with an excellent record of earning grants to support their undergraduate research. Fisher students have received research funding through the Rochester Academy of Sciences, TriBeta National Biological Honor Society, and various other discipline-specific professional organizations.
You will have the opportunity to engage in research with the potential to publish with Fisher faculty and to be selected for prestigious awards and other opportunities, including the Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship. Students wishing to apply for the Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship should consult with their research mentor for nomination and/or meet with Dr. Kristin Picardo, Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship campus representative.