Kathleen D’Alfonso ’21
Sociology Ph.D. Candidate at University at Buffalo
Kathleen D’Alfonso is passionate about fostering community. A high school teacher encouraged her to pursue a Ph.D. in sociology, and so her journey began. She enrolled in Monroe Community College’s 2+2 program with Fisher while also training as a certified nursing assistant (CNA). As a CNA, she witnessed the way health insurance coverage impacted the lives of people living in nursing homes. This experience sparked her interest in how sociology could help her understand insurance coverage across the life course.
Combining all areas of her aspirations at Fisher, D’Alfonso completed majors in sociology and public health and minors in gerontology and psychology. “The material I learned at Fisher gave me an edge in the graduate classroom and background knowledge in the courses that I teach today,” she explained.
Now, she encourages students to take advantage of the opportunity to be mentored by the skilled and supportive faculty members at Fisher. “During my time at Fisher, all the faculty members that I engaged with were bright and brilliant people who have a passion for teaching. Beyond the classroom, the networks that I made from Fisher are invaluable.”
Jenna Gravino '20
Research Analyst
What started as a minor area of study became Jenna Gravino’s major focus. “Psychology was a major that could be used in many different career areas,” Gravino shared.
The research opportunities and the professors ignited her desire to pursue a career in psychology. “The professors in the psychology department are some of the most caring and passionate people I have ever met,” explained Gravino. Through opportunities in the capstone, seminars, and lab courses, she was able to learn and write about her areas of interest.
During her final semester at Fisher, Gravino interned at Cerner Enviza—an Oracle Company that provides data-driven solutions for life sciences and health care. After graduating, she was offered a full-time position as a research analyst. Gravino attributes her current success to her psychology studies which included statistics, lab courses, and opportunities to conduct research. “The lab courses really solidified my interest in research and established my career path.”
Now, Gravino encourages students to pursue areas that may seem new to them at first. She looks back fondly on her learning experiences at Fisher, “I have made connections that will last a lifetime.”
Molly Taylor '21
Ph.D. Candidate
Though she was uncertain about her future career, Molly Taylor was certain about her major when she first started as a student at Fisher. “I knew I wanted to pursue a degree in psychology, and as soon as I took a seminar course in motivation my junior year, I immediately fell in love with the research on self-regulation.”
Through encouragement from Dr. Sara Goodman, assistant professor of psychology, the Honors student completed the psychology program which included three semesters of independent research and a defense of original research. “Right from the start of that research project, I knew that a career in research would be the perfect fit for me,” explained Taylor. “I absolutely owe my success at Fisher and my current position as a graduate student to the faculty at Fisher who saw my drive and pushed me to excel in all areas.”
Inspired by her research at Fisher, Taylor enrolled in a Ph.D. program in educational psychology at Virginia Commonwealth University to pursue a career in research. She examines self-regulation and goal-setting in higher education including motivational constructs, help-seeking, and goal orientation.
She believes Fisher provided the perfect community for developing as a leader and researcher: “As a student at Fisher, I participated in several academic and athletic activities that put me on the path to reach my career goals. I had the opportunity to study abroad in Madrid, Spain, and I published a research paper that I wrote as a senior.”
Now, Taylor encourages others to explore undergraduate research opportunities. “I hope to study how students can better understand their own motivation to choose adaptive goals, employ effective learning strategies, and be passionate about their education.” And from Taylor’s perspective, a Fisher education is something to be passionate about.