Students Organize New Toy, Clothing, Food Drives for Area Nonprofits

November 22, 2023

Inside and outside of the classroom, St. John Fisher University students are finding ways to give back to the community this holiday season.

A box with toys and clothes.

Students in the Honors Program are teaming up to collect clothing, toys, and toiletries for Mary’s Place Refugee Outreach, a non-profit organization that provides long-term, neighborhood-based services to refugees of all faiths and nationalities. 

Donation collection will begin on Monday, Nov. 27 and run through Friday, Dec. 8. Bins will be placed throughout campus. Donated items for both organizations must be new.

Students in Honors 1001 and 1002 learning communities, taught by Drs. Jenna Rossi and Roja Singh, are collecting warm clothing and toys for refugees. Over the course of the semester, students have used place-based learning to explore Rochester and its surrounding areas to gain a deeper understanding of the history of the community and its evolution to present-day.

Items of most need include:

  • Infant and kid toys such as picture books, stuffed animals, and bath toys.
  • Teen items such as earbuds, journals, and hair accessories.
  • Warm clothes for all ages, including blankets, mittens, and scarves.

For questions about the drive, email

Fisher’s Student Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC) is also participating in the NCAA Division III Week of Service, and will be hosting a food drive in partnership with Foodlink, from Monday, Nov. 27 through Sunday, Dec. 3. During the Week of Service, all NCAA Division III members are encouraged to participate in a service activity on campus or in the local community. 

As the regional food bank, Foodlink is responsible for the aggregation, storage, and distribution of millions of pounds of purchased and donated food to nonprofit organizations that serve food-insecure individuals throughout a 10-county service area. SAAC will be collecting non-perishable goods and canned and boxed foods in large bins throughout the Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. Athletic Center.