Omega Psi chapter members visited the Ronald McDonald House to cook breakfast for guests.
This past fall, the St. John Fisher College School of Business’s newly established Omega Psi chapter of the international business fraternity, Delta Sigma Pi, kept busy engaging in professional development events, community service, and fundraising. The semester concluded with the induction of the first pledge class as brothers.
Leading up to the semester, Stephanie Ingalls ’20 attended the Grand Chapter Congress (GCC) in August, held in Atlanta, Georgia. GCC is the fraternity’s national convention held every two years. There, Ingalls participated in networking and workshop sessions, and had the opportunity to vote on enacting changes to the fraternity’s processes. Her attendance brought valuable practices back to help better Fisher’s Omega Psi chapter.
In October, a member from the fraternity’s Educational and Leadership Consultant Program paid a visit to campus. The representative met the chapter’s executive committee, chapter advisor, dean of the School of Business, and director of student activities. The meetings aided in efforts to further the chapter’s development.
Throughout the semester, various professionals from the Rochester area provided members with insights into the business world that expand on classroom topics. Ken Gerbasi, senior vice president of finance at Citi Bank; Michael Burns, adjunct professor at Fisher; Kevin Kane, Empire Valuations; and Victor E. Salerno ’66, Fisher Trustee and chief executive officer of O’Connell Electric, all visited the chapter. A tour of Iron Smoke Distillery in Fairport took the chapter off campus, where they learned about branding from the company’s founder, Tommy Burnett.
Also in the fall, chapter members attended LEAD school at Syracuse University. LEAD school is a regional conference held once each fall and spring. Attendees participated in training seminars and networking opportunities. The overall focus of the weekend was personal, professional, leadership, and fraternal development.
To support the Omega Psi chapter, brothers focus on fundraising throughout the semester. To kick off their efforts with some fun, chapter members took pies to the face during the campus-wide Involvement Fest. They also collaborated with a local Tom Wahl’s, holding a fundraiser every other Monday evening. The Alpha pledge class planned their own headshot fundraiser during the Life Skills Workshop in November.
Service is a foundational value of the fraternity, so Omega Psi has formed partnerships to help strengthen the community. A group traveled to New Era Field to sell raffle tickets during a Buffalo Bills game to benefit the PUNT Foundation. Members also visited the Ronald McDonald House to cook breakfast for guests. The Alpha pledge held a clothing drive, and donations supported the Hope House.
To top off the semester, the chapter inducted 13 new School of Business students and faculty honoree, Professor Ron Sicker, to the Omega Psi Chapter.
As the spring semester begins, the chapter hopes to continue its growth and positive impact on the School of Business campus community. Visit @deltasigmapi_sjfc on Instagram for more information on upcoming activities.