First Cohort of Online Students Graduate from Wegmans School of Pharmacy

May 13, 2024

This year marked an important milestone for the Wegmans School of Pharmacy, as it graduated members of the first cohort of its online pathway. The School opened its “virtual” doors to the first-ever cohort of online pathway students in fall 2020, also making the program the first online or hybrid Pharm.D. pathway offered by an institution in New York state.

Jamie Cantones Lucresio addresses her fellow graduates at the Wegmans School of Pharmacy Commencement.

Fisher’s online pathway graduated 14 students from seven states including Florida, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Texas. Three members of the graduating cohort— Kristina Alkhasyan, Jamie Cantones Lucresio, and Rhiannon Reynolds—will go on to engage in a Post-Graduate Year One Residency.

“We’re so proud of this first graduating class of the online pathway—they are true pioneers. This resilient cohort of students endured the challenges of beginning their studies in the height of the pandemic. They were fully-engaged in leading student efforts in our online pathway, expanding our pharmacy footprint across the nation, and now as graduates, positively impacting the health care landscape in their communities,” said Dr. Christine Birnie, dean of the School.

Cantones Lucresio served as the student president of the first online cohort, and addressed her fellow graduates during their Commencement ceremony.

“When we started on this path to get to this moment, the world was quite a different place.  It was 2020, COVID-19 was still at its peak - toilet paper was the new currency, hand sanitizer became more valuable than gold, face masks became a crucial part of our daily attire, Zoom was our classroom, and ‘You’re on mute’ became the catchphrase of the year,” she recalled. “But amidst this backdrop, each one of us embarked on this path with a dream: to immerse ourselves in the world of pharmacy, to embrace the challenges of health care, and to commit ourselves to the service of others through this noble profession.”

She spoke of how through late night study sessions, engaging clinical rotations, and virtual social gatherings, her class transformed from eager students to dedicated professionals with the knowledge and skills to make an impact on the world.

“On behalf of my pathway, we extend our gratitude to the Wegmans School of Pharmacy and St. John Fisher University for creating the online pathway which has enabled many of us to fulfill our goals and stand here today,” she said, encouraging her fellow graduates to lean into the roles they will play in shaping the future of health care. “As we disperse across the country and possibly around the world, let us carry forward the spirit of St. John Fisher University by actively seeking opportunities to improve patient care. Let’s continue to connect with each other to engage in lifelong learning, and to uphold the ethical standards of our profession.”