Fisher Community Making News

July 17, 2024

Faculty, staff, and students at St. John Fisher University make headlines every day. Here’s a round-up of recent accomplishments.

Dr. Lauren Calimeris Kocman

Awards and Appointments

Dr. Lauren Calimeris Kocman, associate professor of economics and director of the Honors Program at Fisher, was elected president of the New York State Economics Association (NYSEA). NYSEA promotes economic education and scholarship in New York state and publishes the New York Economic Review.  Kocman has been active in the organization since 2017, and served on the board for four years before being elected to the president. Fisher will also play host to the association’s annual conference this October. Dr. Clair Smith, professor of economics, is also a longtime member of NYSEA and was reappointed as a board member.

Dan Brown, visiting instructor of cybersecurity in the School of Arts and Sciences, has been named a Fisher Apple Faculty Fellow with the DePeters Family Center for Innovation in Teaching Excellence. Brown began his tenure at Fisher in 2023 after an impressive and lengthy career in the cybersecurity industry. During his time at the University, he has found innovative ways to bring the iPad to his cybersecurity classes, and as a faculty fellow will share those ideas with the rest of campus. Faculty fellows help to oversee the Fisher Apple Academy 1.0 and 2.0 experiences as well as lead workshops, engage in 1:1 peer consultations, and serve as experts on all things related to iPads for educational purposes. 

Chris Keyes, defensive coordinator of Fisher’s football program, and Kate Torok, director of marketing and communications, were recently inducted into the Camp Good Days and Special Times Ring of Honor for their dedication, commitment, and support of the children and families served by Camp Good Days. In addition, Emily Sullivan, recent graduate, received the Teddi Award for her leadership of the Teddi Dance for Love. Keyes was also recently recognized with the President’s Award from the Cancer Support Community at Gilda’s Club Rochester for his leadership, inspiration, and work on behalf of cancer patients.

Research and Scholarship

Dr. Hugh Lambert, assistant professor in the School of Business, has published an article, "Can Government Inaction Result in Rising Gift Tax Revenue?" in Tax Notes. Lambert’s article analyzes historical IRS data related to 2010 and 2012 gift taxes when the gifting laws included an expiration date (known as a “sunset provision”). He finds that when Congress fails to pass new legislation in the year the law expires, taxpayers increase their gifting activity, which results in increasing federal gift tax revenue. These findings have future implications for policymakers because current gift tax laws are set to expire on December 31, 2025. Without Congressional action prior to the end of 2025, taxpayers are likely to increase their gifting, thereby increase government gift tax revenues. The paper concludes when Congress fails to act regarding an expiring gift tax law, federal gift tax revenue increases without the need to raise tax rates.

Dr. Tim Franz, professor of psychology, has presented his research at several conferences and summits throughout the spring. He delivered two talks, “Chairs are Teachers Too! How to Balance Chair Responsibilities with Teaching,” and “Using a Peer Covenant in Team Projects: How Obligations can Improve Accountability,” at the 46th National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology.

Franz was also joined by former Fisher colleague and organizational consultant Dr. Seth Silver in a presentation at the Organization Development and Change Professional Development Network, held at Penn State. The two colleagues were also invited to participate in the global leadership summit, and were among several internationally-known researchers and thought-leaders in attendance.

Dr. Carol Wittmeyer, director of the Family Business Program and visiting associate professor in the School of Business, is co-publishing a series of articles in Family Business magazine. The first piece, “Do family business NextGens need outside work experience?” explores research conducted on the type of experience next generation family business leaders can obtain. While family business advisers have long recommended outside employment as the “best way” to prepare the next generation, Wittmeyer and her co-authors suggest that it is not absolutely necessary for the next generation’s success. In fact, they write, requiring NextGens to work elsewhere before joining the family firm can result in opportunity and other costs. The second article, “Making outside work experience worthwhile,” touches on how next generation business leaders should prepare and plan to make the most of their outside experiences. A third article in the series is forthcoming.

Faculty and students from the Wegmans School of Nursing presented at the Eastern Nursing Research Society’s 36th Annual Scientific Sessions.  Student Liz Willome was awarded first place in Master’s School Selected Student Posters category for her capstone project, “Understanding Barriers to Utilization of End-of-Life Care Among Black/African Americans: A Qualitative Study.” Dr. Katie Ledwin was awarded second place for in the Peer-Reviewed Doctoral Papers category for her dissertation study, “Predictors of Low-Value Utilization in Heart Failure Using Machine Learning: The Impact of Area Deprivation and Patient Complexity.”

Additional poster and oral presentations were given by Dr. Ledwin; Dr. Lauren Sheldon; Dr. Marcie McMahon; and Drs. Tara Sacco, Lori Dambaugh, and Christine Boev.

Dr. Tim Madigan, professor and chair of philosophy at the University, co-edited the recently published book, Universal Logic, Ethics, and Truth: Essays in Honor of John Corcoran (1937-2021). The book explores the scholarship of John Corcoran, a well-known logician who produced works on Aristotle and Boole. Madigan co-edited the book with Dr. Jean-Yves Béziau, professor of philosophy at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.

This spring, Madigan also guest-edited an issue of Philosophy Now magazine, on the topic of Irish philosophy. In an article he wrote for the issue, “Thomas Duddy & Irish Philosophy,” he mentions a semester-long study abroad experience he engaged in with a group of Fisher students in 2014. The photo of Madigan in the issue, at the gravesite of the poet William Butler Yeats in Sligo, was taken by Chelsea Marshall, one of the students who accompanied him to Ireland. Marshall is now the assistant director of multicultural affairs at Fisher.

Dr. Jill Lavigne, professor of pharmacy practice and administration, was an invited guest to the DUPHAT North Africa/Middle East Pharmacy Conference in Dubai, UAE. She presented a talk based on her experience as a board member for the New York State Medicaid Drug Utilization Review Board, whose meetings are held in conjunction with the University which sponsors the Rochester-Area remote meeting site. Lavigne also gave a workshop developed for her University course, Managed Care. Locally, she was selected to serve as a co-facilitator for the 2024 Day of Quality.  Dr. Lavigne worked with a local behavioral health care provider organization to identify strategies to implement improved patient intake and workflow.

Lavigne was also reappointed to another three-year term on the Drug Utilization Review Board, contributing to the important work the review board conducts on behalf of the New York State Department of Health.

Expert Commentary

Several WalletHub articles featured expert commentary from Dr. Daniel Connolly, dean of the School of Business, and Dr. Yi Liu, assistant professor of finance.

Connolly offered commentary in a piece about hotel credit cards and a review of State Farm Insurance.

Liu was quoted in a story about insurance increases following an accident. Liu also offered advice in a USA Today article, Best Long-Distance Movers 2024, which reviews the top long-distance moving companies and provides cost insights to help people have a seamless relocation experience. 

Dr. Jessica Robinson, professor of psychology, was a guest on the SixPoint Financial Partners’ podcast, Roadmap to Retirement. She joined in a conversation about how parents can talk to their children about money.

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