Our Fisher community is a student-centered educational environment where we embrace critical inquiry as a means to facilitate learning, problem-solving, and skill-building. Through cutting-edge research, we inspire thought leaders to drive their fields forward.
We are proud to showcase recent scholarly research from faculty, staff, or students of the School of Arts and Sciences. Additional scholarly research may be found at Fisher Digital Publications.
In the early 1960s, Black activists used nonviolent direct action to challenge segregation, transforming white supremacy on a massive scale. Anthony C. Siracusa’s book, Nonviolence Before King: The Politics of Being and the Black Freedom Struggle, explores nonviolence’s revolutionary force for Black liberation.
Dr. Emma Greenspon explores how the brain processes auditory information, such as pitch, using behavioral and psychophysiological measures. Her recent work has focused on cognitive mechanisms such as auditory imagery, auditory memory, and sensory-motor processing.
Dr. Callahan has spearheaded the integration of Course-based Undergraduate Research Experiences (CUREs) into the Biochemistry curriculum. His recent efforts have centered on enhancing hypothesis development and fostering collaboration among institutions administering the same CURE lab.