About the School of Business

St. John Fisher University’s School of Business is on the move.

Dan Connolly

Dan Connolly

Through the strategic expansion of academic programs and the creation of innovative, high-quality educational opportunities, the School is poised to achieve new heights. Integrating liberal arts and sciences with professional business education is at the heart of what we do. This integration is essential to understanding the world and many of society’s most pressing issues. It is also critical to shaping business leaders and graduates who are Day 1 Ready immediately upon entering the workforce. This means that our graduates are equipped to add value on their very first day of employment and every day thereafter. They possess the knowledge, business acumen, and moral compass necessary to propel them in their careers.

The School of Business accomplishes these goals in a variety of ways, both in and outside the classroom, through community-engaged learning, high-impact projects, and a curriculum grounded in business best practices. We offer a personal touch, big opportunities, and promising rewards that inspire passion and empower dreams. 

With a Fisher education, graduates can go anywhere, prepared to make a difference. We focus on developing principled, goal-oriented leaders who use their conscience, heart, and data when making decisions. The result is that our graduates lead with purpose, a global mindset, and a deep-rooted commitment to serving the triple bottom line of people, planet, and profits. Our graduates leave Fisher prepared to lead meaningful lives, primed for professional success, and eager to serve their communities as responsible, global citizens. They are change-makers who will make a difference as they personify Fisher’s motto of “teach me goodness, discipline, and knowledge” in all that they do.

I am proud to serve as the dean of this incredible School and to be a part of the St. John Fisher University community.

Daniel Connolly, Ph.D.