Featured Research
Fisher’s Family Business faculty members publish cutting-edge research to inspire thought leaders within the field.
We are proud to showcase recent published research. Additional scholarly research may be found at Fisher Digital Publications.
Featured Scholarly Work

Work Outside the Family Business?
Many family businesses require their next-generation members to work outside anywhere from two to 10 years. But does it make a difference? In “Don’t Send Your Kids to Work Outside the Family Business Just Yet,” Dr. Carol Wittmeyer and co-authors explore surprising insights for family businesses.

Succession Planning for the Family Business
Despite the importance of succession planning for many family companies, only 15% of them have anything resembling a succession plan in place. In “Family Business Succession Planning Opportunities,” Dr. Hugh Lambert explores how CPAs, as trusted advisors, can play a significant role in establishing prudent and functional succession plans for their business owner clients.

Effective Negotiations for Better Relationships
Negotiations are at the heart of our daily interactions. In “All-In: Conducting Effective Negotiations for Better Relationships and Results,” Dr. David Kunsch and Dr. Carol Wittmeyer focus on strategies for effective negotiation meetings with family business stakeholders.