Dean’s Advisory Council

The purpose of the Council is to provide advice, counsel, and recommendations to the Dean that will strengthen the School, grow and further develop external partnerships, and assist the School in fulfilling its vision and mission.

Members of the Dean’s Advisory Council:

Mona Chitre, Pharm.D.

Chief Pharmacy Officer and VP Clinical Strategy, Excellus

Curt Haas, Pharm.D., FCCP

Chief Pharmacy Officer, University of Rochester Medical Center

Daniel Hussar, Ph.D.

Dean and Remington Professor Emeritus, Philadelphia College of Pharmacy

Julie Lenhard, Pharm.D.

Vice President of Pharmacy, Wegmans Food Markets

Mark Malahosky, R.Ph.

Vice President, Pharmacy Services, Trillium Health

Lucy Malmberg, Pharm.D.

Co-Founder Wedgewood Pharmacy

Robert (Bob) Single, R.Ph.

Past President, PSSNY  

Casey Wilbert, Pharm.D., MBA, BCPS

Vice President and Chief Pharmacy Officer at Rochester Regional

Cori Wyman, Pharm.D., BCGP, CDCES

Vice President, Care Management and Pharmacy Services, GRIPA