Pharmacy News and Events

Pharmacy Professor Contributes to Study on Effectiveness of Wastewater Surveillance on College Campuses Todd Camenisch

05/18/2021 - Wastewater monitoring is a promising tool for COVID-19 surveillance, according to a new paper published in the International Journal of Environmental Public Health. Researchers from the University of Rochester co-led this study, which synthesizes initial wastewater surveillance efforts at 25 colleges and universities from across the country, including St. John Fisher College.

White Coat Ceremony Ushers Class of 2024 into Pharmacy Profession Members of the Class of 2024 pose in their white coats.

05/12/2021 - The Wegmans School of Pharmacy at St. John Fisher College officially welcomed its on-campus first-year students into the pharmacy profession during the annual White Coat Ceremony, held on Monday, May 10.

Biology, Education, Pharmacy Faculty Recognized for Research, Teaching Excellence Dr. Nathan (left) with a member of the pharmacy Class of 2021.

05/09/2021 - This Commencement season, three members of the St. John Fisher College faculty were named recipients of the College’s most prestigious scholarship and teaching honors.

Wegmans School of Pharmacy Celebrates Class of 2021 Graduates of the Wegmans School of Pharmacy anticipate the start of their Commencement ceremony.

05/07/2021 - The Wegmans School of Pharmacy honored more than 90 baccalaureate and doctoral graduates during a Commencement ceremony held on Friday, May 7. In addition to receiving their diploma, the graduates of the Pharm.D. degree received their doctoral hoods.

Celebrating the 5th Annual Student Research and Creative Work Symposium A student looks into a microscope in a science lab.

04/16/2021 - For the fifth year, St. John Fisher College will celebrate students excelling with their own independent projects during the annual Student Research and Creative Work Symposium. Undergraduate and graduate student scholars will begin sharing their work on Wednesday, April 28.

Pharmacy Day of Service Gets New Twist Two pharmacy students volunteer at the RRH COVID0-19 vaccine clinic.

04/08/2021 - A hallmark of the Pharm.D. program, the annual Wegmans School of Pharmacy Service Day brings students, faculty, and staff together to volunteer in the community. This year, the event saw two big changes: a new two-day format to accommodate a wide range of projects planned and a virtual component.

Countdown to Commencement 2021: Albania Mitchell Albania Mitchell (left) with two classmates from the Wegmans School of Pharmacy.

03/22/2021 - Soon-to-be Dr. Albania Mitchell, a P4 student in the Wegmans School of Pharmacy, is the next member of the Class of 2021 to be featured in the “Countdown to Commencement” series. Mitchell was nominated by two faculty members in the School of Pharmacy; Dr. Amy Parkhill and Dr. Mindy Lull.

Fisher Receives Scholarship Support from Thiem Charitable Foundation Kearney Hall

03/08/2021 - St. John Fisher College received $125,000 from the Alvin F. and Ruth K. Thiem Foundation to support three scholarship programs.

Pharmacy Student Administers First COVID Vaccine for Rite Aid Location Pharmacy student Christiana Santos administers a COVID-19 vaccine.

03/03/2021 - As an intern for Rite Aid, second year Wegmans School of Pharmacy student Christiana Santos had the opportunity to administer the community pharmacy’s very first Moderna COVID-19 vaccine. And, coincidentally, she gave it to a very special person: her grandmother.

Wegmans School of Pharmacy Assists in County Vaccine Roll-Out Vials hold the COVID-19 vaccine.

03/03/2021 - Earlier this year, the Wegmans School of Pharmacy partnered with the Monroe County Health Department to assist in rolling out the COVID-19 vaccine in the Rochester region.

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