Pharmacy Preceptor FAQs

How do I become involved as a preceptor?

First, contact your site coordinator, pharmacy director, or pharmacy manager to initiate the process from within your organization.

Then please fill out a preceptor and site application. Please attach a CV or resume to the preceptor/site application.

Finally, an affiliation agreement will need to be signed between your site and our School. Please check with your supervisor to see if you already have an agreement in place. If not, please check with your supervisor to see which of the following options is preferred: a) you may use our standard Wegmans School of Pharmacy Affiliation Agreement (click on Affiliation Agreement under Preceptor Requirements), or b) you may use an affiliation agreement currently in place at your own organization. Please sign and complete two (2) copies of the agreement and return both copies to us by regular mail. Upon receipt, we will sign both copies and return one copy to you along with a Certificate of Liability Insurance.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the experiential education coordinator at (585) 385-7249.

Can a student have a family member as a preceptor?

Students may NOT have a first-degree relative as a preceptor.

Can a student select a rotation site where he/she is currently employed?

Students will NOT accept any remuneration from the site while on rotation.

  • For IPPE-I, APPE Institutional, or APPE Community, students may NOT select a rotation site at which they are currently employed.
  • For IPPE I and APPE Community Pharmacy a student may NOT select a site where they have been employed in the past.
  • For IPPE-II, IPPE-III, IPPE-IV, APPE Ambulatory Care, APPE Acute General Medicine or APPE Electives, a student may NOT select a site where their potential preceptor would have a dual role as a preceptor and a “boss” or “job reviewer.” If the assigned preceptor does not have such a role, then the student can perform a rotation in an institution where they are currently employed.

Can a student receive academic credit at a site where he/she is employed?

A student may not receive academic credit for working at a site where he/she is currently employed.

Who is responsible for the costs of attending a rotation site?

The student is responsible for any expenses associated with attending the rotation.

Can a student be paid while on his/her rotation?

No, students may NOT accept any remuneration from the site or preceptor while on rotation.

How are students assigned to rotation sites?

Students are required to select several sites (from a list of available sites) and prioritize their preferences via a web-based online matching system, E*Value. The system will then attempt to give the student his/her first choice, depending on the number of students that will be accepted for each site. For example, if a site can only accept 3 students but 4 students select the site as their first choice, the system will randomly select 3 students and drop the 4th student to his/her second choice. The system will then release the matching results to the students online.

How will a student know which site to choose?

E*Value contains preceptor, site, and rotation information that aids students in their research prior to making preferences for an upcoming rotation. For APPE Electives, the Wegmans School of Pharmacy holds an annual Elective Night that serves as a meet and greet conference and also provides preceptors with the ability to give the OEE input on students they feel would be the best fit for their rotation.

Can a student change a rotation assignment once it is assigned?

After the assignment results are released to the student, we will give the students 1-2 weeks to make mutually agreeable switches. At this point, preceptors have not been given their student assignments. Once the preceptors are made aware of their student assignments, we will not change an assignment except under extreme circumstances, which will be handled on a case-by-case basis.

How do I document the assessment of the student?

You will document student performance using the assessment portion of CORE-ELMS. When you are assigned a student, you will receive a login name and password to access CORE-ELMS. There you will be able to view tutorials that will guide you in completing student assessments as well as verifying their assignments.