Web Accessibility Training

If you have any role in maintaining content on the web, welcome to our accessibility team!

This website contains accessibility information, tips, and resources for content contributors.

Goal of Web Accessibility

The main goal of web accessibility is simple. We aim to:

Make our website as useable as possible for as many people as possible.

Accessibility is not about standards; it is about real people using our website. For some people with disabilities, that may  mean they access our website in different ways or with different technologies. Keeping accessibility in mind when creating content enables all individuals to connect and interact with Fisher regardless of software, platform, technology, or limitation.

Read more about the importance of web accessibility on the Why Accessibility page.

Benefits of Web Accessibility

The benefits of accessibility go far beyond helping individuals with obvious disabilities (i.e. low or no vision, difficulty hearing, limited mobility, etc.). When websites are built and maintained with accessibility in mind, we all benefit.

Accessibility Definitions

There are a number of terms that you may encounter when talking about web accessibility. Below is a short guide to some of the most common terms.

Web Accessibility

Web accessibility refers to the degree to which a website or app is usable by as many people as possible. In considering the accessibility of the Fisher website, we want to remove barriers that may prevent individuals from accessing the content or resources we provide.


Disability can be broadly defined as any condition that limits an individual's movements, senses or activities. Disabilities can be grouped in several main categories, including:

  • Auditory: Hearing loss, hard of hearing
  • Visual: Low vision, color blindness, blindness
  • Physical: Spinal cord injuries, arthritis, MS, ALS, temporary injuries
  • Cognitive: Learning disabilities, distractibility, memory trouble

Assistive Technology

According to the World Health Organization, assistive technology can be defined as any equipment, software, or device that helps to "improve an individual's functioning and independence to facilitate participation and to enhance overall well-being."

Examples of assistive technology include the following:


  • Screen readers (text to speech)
  • Screen magnifiers
  • Eye tracking devices
  • Refreshable braille displays
  • Glasses


  • Speech recognition software (speech to text)
  • Hearing aids
  • Closed captioning


  • Wheelchairs, canes, and prostheses
  • Sticks and wands (pointing devices)
  • Switch controls (sip-and-puff, hand or foot switches)