Arts and Sciences News and Events

09/12/2022 - For 12 consecutive years, St. John Fisher University has earned multiple spots on the U.S. News & World Report’s annual “2022-2023 Best Colleges” feature.

09/06/2022 - Several faculty members at St. John Fisher University will participate in the 2022 Rochester Fringe Festival.

09/02/2022 - This fall, the Department of Media and Communication at St. John Fisher University will present the St. John Fisher University Film Festival during the 11th annual Rochester Fringe Festival. Free and open to the public, the film festival begins at 7 p.m. on Monday, Sept. 19, at The Little Theatre.

08/31/2022 - Two professors and one emeritus professor from the Department of Media and Communication at St. John Fisher University had a busy week at the annual Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) conference, held in Detroit in early August.

08/17/2022 - This fall, the Department of Media and Communication at St. John Fisher University will begin offering a major in public relations.

08/11/2022 - This fall, the Patricia O'Keefe Ross Gallery, located in the Joseph S. Skalny Welcome Center at St. John Fisher University, will feature the work of Rochester photographer Quajay Donnell.

08/05/2022 - A documentary film directed by Linda Moroney, an adjunct faculty member in the Department of Media and Communication at St. John Fisher University, has been nominated for three New York Emmy® Awards. The film, “Women and The Vote,” documents visitors at suffragists' grave sites to mark the 100th anniversary of the 19th amendment on Election Day 2020.

07/12/2022 - St. John Fisher University recently announced the Dean’s List honorees for the Spring 2022 semester, which includes more than 1,200 undergraduate students.

06/20/2022 - On the cusp of its 75th anniversary, St. John Fisher College will become in name what it has been in practice for more than a decade, and transition to become St. John Fisher University (SJF). The new name will be effective July 1.

06/10/2022 - St. John Fisher College’s undergraduate and graduate programs were selected as the top “reader favorites” in the Rochester Business Journal’s 2022 Reader Rankings Awards.