Arts and Sciences News and Events

04/26/2022 - Six St. John Fisher College students were inducted into Phi Alpha Theta National History Honor Society during a ceremony hosted by the History Department on Friday, April 8.

04/25/2022 - On Saturday, April 9, seven members of the Upsilon Rho chapter of Beta Beta Beta Biological Honor Society, delivered presentations at the 2022 TriBeta Northeast-3 District Convention.

04/22/2022 - The Department of Media and Communication at St. John Fisher College has selected sophomores Erin Dickinson and Bella McEnroe as the 2022 recipients of the Jack Palvino Excellence in Communication Award.

04/21/2022 - St. John Fisher College students Cassidy Wing ’24 and Kurt Schultz ’23 had the opportunity to infuse new creative thinking through use of their iPads and had a fresh take on what the study of Shakespeare can look like.

04/19/2022 - On Tuesday, March 29, the Department of Mathematical and Computing Sciences inducted two new members to the New York Alpha Sigma Chapter of Pi Mu Epsilon at St. John Fisher College.

04/15/2022 - St. John Fisher College’s Upsilon Rho chapter of the Beta Beta Beta (TriBeta) Biological Honor Society held its 9th annual Induction Ceremony on Friday, April 1. The event included a welcome from Dr. Ann Marie Fallon, dean of the School of Arts and Sciences, and Dr. Noveera Ahmed, chapter advisor and chair of the Biology Department.

04/12/2022 - On Wednesday, April 6, 18 St. John Fisher College students were formally inducted into the Eta Chi chapter of Alpha Mu Gamma, the national foreign language honor society.

04/08/2022 - Students in Professor Arien Rozelle’s PR Research and Planning (COMM472) course partnered with Lavery Library on a semester-long project to make the library more welcoming to people of diverse backgrounds.

03/31/2022 - This week, Lavery Library will commemorate Celebrate Diversity Month by hosting its first-ever Diversity Fest, from 1 to 3 p.m. on Tuesday, April 5, in the Library’s walkway, just outside of the main entrance.

03/30/2022 - Does watching a TED Talk light you up with ambition? Do you aspire to set yourself apart from the pack as a young professional? Ever dealt with feelings of uncertainty about the future, or what will come next for you as a post-college graduate? If you said yes to any of these questions, you won’t want to miss Magnifi U Voices: Finding Your Frequency, taking place at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, April 6, in Cleary Family Auditorium.