Arts and Sciences News and Events

01/16/2020 - Beginning this month, St. John Fisher College’s Patricia O’Keefe Ross Gallery will exhibit a major collection of art from Ireland’s Great Hunger Museum at Quinnipiac University.

01/09/2020 - A new scholarship fund at St. John Fisher College will benefit undergraduate or graduate students studying disciplines in the natural sciences, thanks to the generosity of alumnus Michael E. Haefner.

12/13/2019 - Lloyd Milburn’s poem “Blanket Dance” was published in the fall issue of The New Guard, a literary review. “Blanket Dance” was one of only 10 finalists out of nearly 2,000 poems.

12/10/2019 - This fall, the Department of Media and Communication selected Johairy Delacruz ’20 as the recipient of the James E. Seward Scholarship. Carrying a $1,000 award, the scholarship honors Jim Seward and his 41 years of college teaching, 29 of which were spent at Fisher. The scholarship was established by former students, friends, and colleagues when he retired in 2011.

12/10/2019 - Dr. Bruce Blaine, professor of mathematics and computer science, published a paper in the fall 2019 issue of Scholarship and Practice of Undergraduate Research (SPUR).

12/06/2019 - Matthew Kaiser and Evan Gundell, undergraduate biology students at St. John Fisher College, are winners of the competitive 2019-2020 TriBeta Research Grant Awards. In all, the students have received grants totaling $1,100 in support of their undergraduate academic research at Fisher.

12/06/2019 - For over 20 years, incoming first-year students have signed the Fisher Creed as part of the annual Matriculation Ceremony, officially marking the end of their Orientation and the beginning of their student journey. But this fall, throughout the final week of classes, first-year students participated in new Creed signing ceremonies while also reflecting on what they have learned in their first semester at Fisher.

12/02/2019 - Jack Palvino, a member of the pioneer Class of 1955 and 33-year member of the Board of Trustees, recently published a new book, Off the Air.

12/02/2019 - Learn the benefits of mindfulness along with easily applicable ways to release stress and shift perspective during the December First Friday Lecture, led by Dr. Melissa Goodwin, associate professor and chair of the Psychology Department at St. John Fisher College.

11/22/2019 - This fall, six St. John Fisher College students joined by Arien Rozelle, assistant professor in the Department of Media and Communication, attended the Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) International Conference, held in San Diego, California.