Pharmacy Faculty and Staff

Fisher faculty are dedicated, highly credentialed professionals who consistently make the advancement of scholarship in their respective fields a top priority.

Dean | Christine Birnie
Assistant Dean for Student Affairs | Elizabeth Bremer
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs | Angela Nagel
Assistant Dean for Assessment | Sean Leonard
Assistant Dean for Online Education | Barbara Ellis
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences Chair | Vivek Dave
Department of Pharmacy Practice & Administration Chair | Anne Schweighardt

Administrative Assistant
Office:WEGPHR 217
Phone:(585) 385-7334
Associate Professor, Pharmacy Practice and Administration
Areas of Interest: Ambulatory Care
Office:WEGPHR 232
Phone:(585) 899-3884
Nabila Ahmed-Sarwar
Visiting Assistant Professor
Areas of Interest: Molecular biology, molecular pharmacology, and medicinal chemistry.
Office:WEGPHR 310
Phone:(585) 899-3716
Remah Ali
Professor, Pharmacy Practice and Administration
Areas of Interest: Infectious Disease
Office:WEGPHR 239
Phone:(585) 899-3733
Lisa Avery
Experiential Education Coordinator, School of Pharmacy
Office:WEGPHR 133F
Phone:(585) 385-5246
Andi Balland
Assistant Professor in Pharmaceutical Sciences
Office:WEGPHR 337
Phone:(585) 899-3863
Priyanka Bhatt
Professor and Dean, Wegmans School of Pharmacy
Office:WEGPHR 312
Phone:(585) 385-7202
Christine Birnie
Assistant Dean of Student Affairs, Wegmans School of Pharmacy
Office:WEGPHR 217
Phone:(585) 899-3722
Liz Bremer
Administrative Assistant
Associate Professor
Areas of Interest: Drug Delivery, Oncology, Immunotherapy, and Nanotechnology
Office:WEGPHR 341
Phone:(585) 899-3714
Lipika Chablani
Associate Professor, Pharmacy Practice and Administration
Areas of Interest: Ambulatory Care
Office:WEGPHR 241
Phone:(585) 385-7203
Gabriela Cipriano
Associate Professor, Pharmacy Practice and Administration
Areas of Interest: Medication adherence, beliefs about medications, health literacy, patient-provider communication, and adolescent knowledge of over-the-counter and prescription medications.
Office:WEGPHR 332
Phone:(585) 385-8159
Kelly Conn
Associate Professor, Pharmacy Practice and Administration
Areas of Interest: Critical Care
Office:WEGPHR 236
Phone:(585) 899-3789
Kathryn Connor
Associate Professor and Chair, Pharmaceutical Sciences
Areas of Interest: Excipient characterization and their pharmaceutical applications; Contemporary approaches to enhance drug delivery (solubility, permeability, dissolution, etc.); Non-invasive approaches to analyze tablet properties; Research on extemporaneously compounded preparations.
Office:WEGPHR 335
Phone:(585) 385-5297
Vivek Dave
Associate Professor and Director of Experiential Education & CPE
Areas of Interest: Experiential education, bioterrorism preparedness, mission trips with Global Volunteers, Phi Delta Chi, and antique marbles.
Office:WEGPHR 133A
Phone:(585) 385-5243
Keith Delmonte
Associate Professor, Pharmacy Practice and Administration
Areas of Interest: Ambulatory Care
Office:WEGPHR 236
Phone:(585) 385-8373
Alexander DeLucenay
Experiential Education Coordinator
Office:WEGPHR 133E
Phone:(585) 385-7249
Andrea DiGiorgio
Assistant Professor, Pharmacy Practice and Administration, Administrative and Social Sciences
Areas of Interest: HIV/AIDS, Medication adherence, Health Disparities, Cultural Competence, Diversity, Inclusivity & Anti-Racism
Office:WEGPHR 307
Phone:(585) 385-8147
Akesha Edwards
Assistant Dean for Online Education
Office:WSOP 133C
Phone:(585) 385-5215
Barbara Ellis
Associate Professor, Pharmacy Practice and Administration
Areas of Interest: Ambulatory Care
Office:WEGPHR 235
Phone:(585) 385-3704
Shawn Fellows
Coordinator for Online Learning
Office:WEGPHR 133G
Phone:(585) 385-5247
Jill Hardy
Continuing Professional Education Coordinator
Office:WEGPHR 317
Phone:(585) 899-3818
Dave Herbert
Associate Professor, Pharmacy Practice and Administration
Areas of Interest: Pediatrics
Office:WEGPHR 308
Phone:(585) 899-3831
David Hutchinson
Associate Professor, Pharmacy Practice and Administration
Areas of Interest: Geriatrics and Palliative Care
Office:WEGPHR 309
Phone:(585) 899-3705
Kate Juba
Areas of Interest: Pharmacoepidemiology, post-market surveillance, secondary data analysis, pharmacoeconomics, population-based healthcare, managed care
Office:WEGPHR 340
Phone:(585) 385-5255
Jill Lavigne
Assistant Dean of Assessment, Wegmans School of Pharmacy
Office:WEGPHR 133D
Phone:(585) 385-7269
Sean Leonard
Adjunct Professor
Areas of Interest: Global Health, toxicology, neuropharmacology, drug abuse, novel teaching methods and student programming
Office:WEGPHR 310
Phone:(585) 899-3730
Melinda Lull
Professor, Pharmacy Practice and Administration
Office:WEGPHR 216
Phone:(585) 385-7234
David McCaffrey
Visiting Assistant Professor
Office:WSOP 236
Phone:(585) 385-7380
John McDonald
Associate Professor, Pharmacy Practice and Administration, Skills Lab
Areas of Interest: Indigent care, global health, chronic disease state management, geriatrics, patient education
Office:WEGPHR 134
Phone:(585) 385-8074
Juliette Miller
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Office:WEGPHR 214
Phone:(585) 899-3820
Angela Nagel
Associate Professor, Pharmacy Practice and Administration
Areas of Interest: Geriatrics
Office:WEGPHR 305
Phone:(585) 385-8033
Kobi Nathan
Associate Professor, Pharmacy Practice and Administration
Areas of Interest: Novel treatments for schizophrenia, metabolic burden of antipsychotic medications
Office:WEGPHR 237
Phone:(585) 385-7378
Chris Noel
Associate Professor
Areas of Interest: Cultural competence and healthcare disparities, medication use and adherence in neuromuscular diseases, service learning and community outreach, any and all Pharmacology topics
Office:WEGPHR 338
Phone:(585) 385-7235
Amy Parkhill
Associate Professor and Chair, Department of Pharmacy Practice and Administration
Office:WEGPHR 315
Phone:(585) 899-3890
Elizabeth Phillips
Visiting Assistant Professor
Areas of Interest: formulation development, advanced analytical techniques for industry and academics
Office:WEGPHR 238
Phone:(585) 385-8358
Ankit Rochani
Adjunct Faculty, Pharmacy Practice and Administration
Areas of Interest: Hematology/Oncology, Endocrine Disorders, Community Outreach
Office:WEGPHR 233
Phone:(585) 385-7351
Diane Rudy
Associate Professor
Office:WEGPHR 334
Phone:(585) 385-7201
Ramil Sapinoro
Assistant to the Dean, School of Pharmacy
Office:WEGPHR 217
Phone:(585) 385-8430
Katie Schor
Associate Professor and Chair, Pharmacy Practice and Administration
Areas of Interest: Internal Medicine
Office:WEGPHR 316
Phone:(585) 385-8355
Anne Schweighardt
Pharmacy Student Success Coach
Associate Professor, Pharmacy Practice and Administration
Areas of Interest: Infectious Disease
Office:WEGPHR 234
Phone:(585) 385-7377
Judianne Slish
Professor, Pharmacy Practice and Administration
Areas of Interest: Pharmacy Law and Ethics
Office:WEGPHR 333
Phone:(585) 385-5298
Karl Williams
Assistant Director of Experiential Education and Assistant Professor, Pharmacy Practice and Administration
Office:WEGPHR 133B
Phone:(585) 385-7379
Matthew Zak
Professor Emerita
Areas of Interest: Dosage forms, drug delivery, pharmacokinetics, compounding, and contract formulation lab services
Office:WEGPHR 222
Fang Zhao